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The word marriage according to Islamic Law is similar to the word "marriage" and the word "zawaj". Marriage according to language is squeeze, crush or gather. Nikah has a metaphorical meaning of "wathaa" which means "body" or "akad" which means entering into a marriage covenant. In the daily life of marriage in a more figurative sense, while used in the real sense is rarely used today.
From the understanding of marriage or marriage expressed by the experts above there are no contradictions with each other, because the point can be simply drawn the conclusion that the definition of marriage or marriage is https://guebanget.com an agreement between the prospective husband and the prospective wife to allow as husband and wife to form a family.

Getting married is one of the goals of human life. By getting married, someone will have offspring and carry on the family stick. Not only that, marriage is also a source of happiness for the family and the people around him. 

But the assumption does not seem to apply to the following celebrity Hollywood celebrity. Having a beautiful face, wealth, and fame did not make them decide to get married. Some even choose to live with a spouse even if not married. 

Approximately anyone Hollywood artist who chose not to get married? 

1. Mary Louise Parker

Mary has a child with her relationship with actor Billy Cudrup. Despite having children but both never married. Yes, having a child out of weddings is becoming commonplace in western countries there. 

2. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Gail Winfrey is famous after being host of the talk show 'Oprah Winfrey'. This woman does have a lover named Stedman Graham. Both have close relationships for 25 years. But this 63-year-old woman did not bring the relationship to marriage. 

3. Winona Ryder

This one woman is actually almost married. In 1990, Winona held her engagement to Edward Scissorhands. But instead of marrying, Winona now chooses to live alone at the age of four. 

4. Lauren Graham

This beautiful artist known to establish a relationship with Coster Peter since 2010. But neither Lauren nor Coster married. Even though Lauren is not young anymore. 

5. Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow is known to often  pair. Owen Wilson, Eric Claptorm, and Lance Armstrong had a special relationship with Sheryl. Unfortunately none of these men managed to conquer Shery to continue her relationship to a more serious level.
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