A great example of a well-designed poster is synonymous with success is the case of the movie posters, which contribute and influence the decision of people on many occasions to go to see a movie, causing millions of dollars to be generated. Here we give you seven tips to design a big poster that steals the looks.
Designing a poster for a film is a great opportunity for a designer or creative, as it gives national or even international recognition when exhibiting the piece in the movie marquees as if it were a museum.
The marketing strategies implemented are also part of the success of a poster, nothing new, since advertising through posters has always existed for years, which has established a certain regime to design them Poster stands.
To achieve a successful poster, be it for a movie, a series, an event or an outdoor promotion, here we give you feel elements explained with movie posters that can not be missed when designing:
1. Attract attention
If there is a simple formula for sales is knowing how to implement the AIDA method, the formula of four steps that are: attention, interest, desire and action. These points have been used as the basis of thousands of advertising campaigns that use the poster. This method requires inviting the passer-by to look and approach to investigate.This does not have to be achieved with provocative images or striking graphics, but it does offer a personality.
2. Iconography
The most effective movie posters are iconic, since they present the central theme without having to resort to full-blown machines and say what it is about.You can use images, either a close-up of a character or important plot element, or a simple graphic, to set the plot of the movie. In combination with a striking design, this can be an incredibly effective way to impact and create interest at the same time.
3. Interest
Many of the best modern movie posters use images that put the viewer in the middle of a scene in the film, creating tension and a great incentive.The incentive is that in order to resolve the situation, the person who looks at the poster has to watch the film and discover what happens.
4. Appeal
Large film posters, particularly those of adaptations, use the double call to improve their publicity, be it the combination of a good cast with the reputation of a director, or that of a comic already known with famous actors, this to generate a bond with the fans.5. Style
Whether you're marketing an art movie or a blockbuster, there are always style issues. Some of the most memorable movie posters out there have used unique, bold artistic styles to their advantage.What separates these posters from their ineffective rivals is the consistency of the style, both in the promotional materials of the film and throughout the film itself. you should never lose the axis.
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