5 Examples of Most Creative Poster Nan Inspirational

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Surely you often see example posters when you go somewhere, do not you? Posters are generally installed in crowded public places such as city parks, town squares, malls, shops, markets and so on. This one article will discuss about the example of the most creative and inspirational poster , please be listened carefully Acrylic Poster holder.

Surely there is a lot of sense poster and you can look it up in the internet. In general, however, posters are defined as publications, socialization, notices consisting of words, drawings or combinations between the two which are generally installed in crowded public places such as malls, shops, squares, etc. .

Poster is one of the most publicized media made by company or organization as media of promotion or publication. Surely this is based on several factors such as making a poster that is relatively easy and the cost of making posters relatively affordable. This is why there are so many posters embedded around our neighborhood.

Here are Some Examples of Creative Poster Nan Inspiratif

Examples of Education Poster

Examples of Education Poster

The picture above is one of the educational poster design that is so cool and interesting of course, what do you think? His words are so powerful that "knowing that you have the right suitable feeding is education" , as well as the key image as a symbol of the path to the future of education. The above poster is a propaganda to support the movement that concerns  (care for) the rights of everyone in getting a decent education.

Example Poster Environment

Example Poster Environment

One example of a creative, nan inspirational environmental poster that you can see is as exemplified in the picture above. The above environment poster invites us to preserve and preserve our environment with simple ways that we can do. The words in the above poster are so fascinating that "green back for the future of our earth" , as well as the image of someone who planted a tree above the globe.

Example Poster Health

Example Poster Health

The picture above is one of the many poster health designs that are so attractive, cool and certainly creative, how do you think? The poster is made with such an interesting image of fruits, vegetables, and also water. The words in the poster are also so persuasive that "A healtier you are a happier you" which means in Indonesian "The healthier you are then you will be more excited or happy".

Example of a Hygiene Poster

One example of a hygiene poster that is so creative nan interesting is like the above poster hygiene design picture. The poster shows a child in an elementary uniform dumping trash on a trash can and writing "throw garbage in place" . It appears that the cleaner poster is intended to educate small children, especially elementary school children to get used to throw garbage in place as in the poster.

Example of Anti Cigarette Poster

The picture above is an anti-smoking poster design that is so creative and cool of course. The poster appeals, invites and calls to every parent who smokes to quit immediately because it will have an adverse effect on the baby or their child. His words are so powerful that "would you fee this to your baby?" with a very disgusting picture once a milk mixed with cigarette butts, no !!!
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