There are many ways to convey a message. One of the most used are the posters, descriptive materials that are composed of short texts and images, whose purpose is to draw the attention of people.
With the help of the posters you can disseminate different types of information, as well as events that are taking place. They are also a great support to broaden the advertising campaigns.
These visual media can be distributed in various places, from the interior of a commercial premises to the interior. Through the posters, you can advertise prices of items or offers that are being carried out. The most common is that they have striking letters and images so they do not go unnoticed.
Poster classes
The posters are present almost anywhere we go. Some of them have "less interested" functions, such as promoting or stimulating certain actions, such as security. On the other hand, others report events, shows and other activities that are going to be done, ensuring greater assistance.
Formative poster
When we go down the road, it is very common to see those huge posters that always inform us about essential things and that can be of great help to improve our living conditions, such as not smoking. These are called training posters, because they are a way that encourages the establishment of habits of hygiene, order, safety, health or cleanliness.
The most appropriate way that these messages have a greater impact, is to express them in a graphic way, while the texts will serve as a support to emphasize the idea that has been proposed.
They are used to inform people of the date and place where a conference, event, social gathering, course, show, and more will take place. Unlike the training poster, in the newsletter should highlight the letters above all else, which implies that these have to be large and with a contrasting background color.
Advantages and disadvantages of using a poster
The main advantage of a poster is that it considerably simplifies content that can become complicated, so that the viewers will have a greater facility when reading it. Poster display standBy means of photographs, graphics, punctures, illustrations and letters, a greater understanding of what you want to express through a poster is created, in addition to that they also manage to attract the attention of the spectators.
The disadvantage of the posters, is that they can have certain types of restrictions at the creative level, because they must follow an appropriate pattern so that it manages to attract the attention of people. In addition, those who usually see these posters, usually do so for at least 10 seconds, so they may not be able to read all the words (if they are many).
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