Causes of Diabetes

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Causes of Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease whose condition causes blood sugar levels in the body. Diabetes is a disease that is often experienced by many people especially in the elderly, diabetes often. Diabetes is caused by the presence of the influence of the lifestyle of food and also bad habits that have, so it will cause diabetes can occur. Diabetes can also be a genetic disease, because diabetes can be lowered from the family. The consequences that can be experienced when suffering from diabetes will decrease the function of organs and can cause other diseases also will happen. Therefore blood sugar levels are not good for at least.

Increase in blood sugar levels can occur because the cause of diabetes is done, and there are also some things that can cause diabetes symptoms or causes of diabetes. And here are some things that could be the cause of diabetes:


The cause of diabetes that can occur one of his is due to the presence of his genetic factors. Because of having a family who also suffer from diabetes then from having a high probability to suffer from diabetes. Therefore if you have a history of diabetes intermittent fasting then it is also possible to suffer from diabetes if not maintain health and blood sugar levels.


Weight can indeed affect health, because even weight can be a disease, and diabetes can occur due to weight. Having a large or excessive weight has the possibility to suffer from diabetes one of them. Therefore the cause of diabetes can be caused by weight.


The cause of diabetes can occur from food consumed, if often consume unhealthy foods such as foods that contain high fat or even have a sweet content of sugar that much then it can be a cause of diabetes. Therefore keep a good food intake so as not to experience a rise in blood sugar levels.


Cigarettes are a source of disease, and cigarettes can be a cause of diabetes as well therefore why the use of cigarettes is banned and not good for use.
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