Benefits of Potato Skin for Health

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Benefits of Potato Skin for Health

Eating the potatoes is good. Make full but also not make fat. Suitable for snacking. But sometimes people are lazy to cook their own potatoes. Preferably buy at fast food restaurants, cafes, or street shops. This makes the sale of processed potatoes are promising and always in demand. Not to mention the added processed potatoes so crips snacks in the minimarket. Anyway, this potato business has no death.

But there is one interesting fact from the potato. That this one bulb leaves a huge waste. Potato waste is on the tree itself and on the skin. What will be discussed now is the skin. Have you ever wondered how much waste of potato skin in this world every day? Certainly very much. intermittent fasting

Though the potato skin can not also called waste. Because even if it seems useless like a mere garbage. But apparently potato skin is very nutritious for health. The benefits of potato skin there are so many when viewed from the side of health. As stated below:

1. Prevent Hair Loss Pigment
A person will lose his hair pigment naturally as the ages pass. Factors lack of nutrients in hair can also make hair so white. Pigments in the hair does play an important role to make black on hair. If the hair loses this pigment is definitely a red or gray. The benefits of a famous potato skin is very powerful in preventing the loss of hair pigment.

2. Lowering LDL
Potent skin potato benefits to lower LDL. This is the bad cholesterol that often makes a person get cholesterol. LDL bad fats are usually hard to get out of the body. One way to get rid of it is to consume foods containing HDL fat. Like this potato. We recommend if you want to process any boiled potatoes or steamed course. So there is no oil.

3. Preventing Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects many people. This is a type of diabetes in the early stages that can develop seriously if not treated. For that someone must immediately handle it. In addition to medical treatment, can also be a healthy diet. Try this potato skin consumption.

4. Anti Cancer
Potato skin is suppose to be anti-cancer. His research continues to this day. It is behind the skin that is usually discarded, it contains anti-cancer compounds. Which is very good for the body. To be free from blood cancer and others.

5. Rich with Vitamin C
Apparently, potato skin is very rich in Vitamin C. This is certainly very good for health. Because vitamin C is the main vitamin needed by the body. In order to keep immune always. It is not easy to get sick because the immune system is strong.

6. Contains Potassium
Indeed some types of vegetables and tubers contain potassium. Likewise with this potato skin. The potassium content is quite high. Which is good to support the health of the body.

7. Low Fat
If you're on a diet, sometimes confused about what to eat. But do not confuse-confused again yes. Because it turns out, the benefits of low-fat potato skin is perfect for diet. So if you cook the potatoes from now on, you should just wash it off let the soil disappear. And take advantage of his skin as well.
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