Android Applications RAM Drain That Makes Smartphone Lemot

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Android Applications RAM Drain That Makes Smartphone Lemot

This last decade, a smartphone peak in the midst of people around the world. Even in the coming years, there has been no sign of declining activity related to this smart phone. Smartphones transform themselves into commercial goods that are not less important with basic foods. The needs of the world of smartphones have not even been predicted to explode as it is today.

Almost certainly, all circles have this type of phone. From children to adults. From ordinary people to officials need this intelligent communication tool. This is the fact. Smartphones are so symptomatic.

However, the smart performance embedded in a smartphone was not entirely true. Why is that. Yes, one of them is the old loading or slow is still a disease that undermines his intelligence. Anyone wants to use a fresh and fast smartphone to make online activity easier. Very annoying when constrained slow performance of the smartphone when the activity must be resolved immediately.

Well for those of you who feel the slow loading of smartphones, then it's worth listening to the following articles about android applications what makes the smartphone becomes slow.

The most popular applications are still held by facebook. This social networking application seems to be a mandatory application for every smartphone. Even many mobile phone outlets that dare to directly embed facebook in the smartphone application prospective users. So no doubt, the popularity of facebook always kept awake. However, there are flaws that you deserve to look at. That it turns out this application is very wasteful battery and wasteful storage capacity in memory. So it can slow the performance of smartphones.

Facebook Messenger
Not much different from the parent application, Facebook Messenger also affect the use of RAM memory and wasteful power consumption. Users can choose one of them, but can be ascertained, smartphone performance still slow if not wise in wearing it.

Weather App
The next app that makes smartphone slower is the weather app. Periodic updates that appear to be one of the attractions of users to wear them. However, this is the cause of the battery quickly run out of smartphoe and add memory updates that slow the performance of smartphones.

Anti virus
The function of this application is very clear, ie prevent the entry of viruses or malware into the opersional system smartphone. Any data in it will be safe using this application. However, again this is one of the few applications that make the smartphone battery run out quickly. More wise when using smartphones online by browsing the official and trusted so not easily infiltrated virus. So no need to update anti-virus periodically that can slow the smartphone work.

Application Cleaner
Applications like Clean Master, Speed ​​Booster, CC Cleaner and the like are very good at cleaning up the memory junk in the smartphone. But again, this application is not good in maintaining the availability of battery power. In addition, the capacity of memory and cache that he presented also was not small. This is the smartphone debater to be slow.

Browser Application
The default browser from Android turned out to also expand the memory cache and wasteful battery. Besides also wasteful quota. It's better not to use it and use a browser from Opera Mini or Chrome that can be formatted to lower data usage.

Battery Saver App
Do not be mistaken if after using smartphone smartphone saver application type to be slow. This is because, some features in the smartphone stop. Especially features that are wasteful of batteries. So the smartphone does not run normally as usual.

Applications or Widgets on Homescreen
The more applications or widgets in the homescreen, the smartphone certainly slows down. This is because the use of the Internet to enable its features. Call it weather widget, news, air temperature and more. When everything is active is what makes smartphone more slow.

This selfie lover app also has a flawed side. In addition to wasteful quotas, Instagram applications are also wasteful of batteries. The image feature it displays requires a lot of memory cache that can slow down the performance of the smartphone. spotify app free download
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