5 Things to Avoid when Playing Mobile Legends Games

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5 Things to Avoid when Playing Mobile Legends Games

Gaming developments on platforms like Android and iOS are now growing very rapidly. One of the games that are currently loved are Mobile Legends. Mobile Legends is a moonton game that has a MOBA genre or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. espositori plexiglass

Here the author will discuss some of the things that Mobile Legends players should avoid in order to enable you to achieve victory

1. Do not be EGOIS

Avoid your EGOIS properties such as:

Doing Pick hero like as an example: The last Pick your team needs a Hero type tank so that at the time of war damage the team can get arrested by the tank but you instead pick an assasin when your team already has assassin. Is it wrong to use 2 assassin ?? actually not in a situation but in such circumstances clear Tank more needed.

2. Do not Lust Kill

Furthermore the authors suggest that you are not too lust kill. Lust kill here is not meant to do not kill much but lust kill here as when war wrong 1 enemy has a very little HP then he backed up to save himself, Well you guys should not catch up to kill the enemy because at the time war it could be a reciprocal for you guys and teams because your team could just lose when the war and defeat war can reverse the state of networth.

3. Do not force play at the time of OUTCOMES CONNECTION

Next I suggest that you do not play first when the connection is ugly or commonly called LAG. Because in this condition sometimes your gameplay becomes delay or even stuck so maybe you guys are easily killed by opponents that make networth opponent increases faster than that at the time of war you could have stuck which resulted in you defeat when WAR

4. Avoid blame when the game is running

Next I suggest that not too much Blame (chat in game for spam a player) because if you play too much blame players you blame could be a reciprocity for you guys could be upset then he did the action feed (make networth enemy ride with how to give a free kill against the enemy) or he could AFK it's good you give advice what he should do for the game to run better.

5. Do not blind the map

Well the last author suggests that you always monitor the map in the top left why ?? Because if you are blind your map will be vulnerable to gank other than that if you cool cool without looking at the map may be your team is doing war while you cool because the farm does not see the map then the authors suggest that you always pay attention to the map.
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