What are short links?

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What are short links?

What are short links? Short links are service providers to shorten the links to make it look concise and do not show directly the URL address we share. Suppose I want to shorten the link below.

In the virtual world there are many providers to shorten links. There are also some of them that offer dollar coins if we wear them, Adf.ly, Sh.st and many others. Well now we will discuss a little about the advantages and shortcomings of shortening the links, either short ordinary links or pay based on my observations. url shortener service


Looks short, concise and neater

Long post titles will make the links also long. Well, for some people the link looks less unsightly. With shortened, the link will look more concise, neat and unsightly.

Can disguise the original link

The advantages of this one really fit for refferal seekers in cyberspace. By shortening the links, people automatically do not know if the link is a refferal link.

Can be modified as you wish

Some URL short providers also provide features that allow you to modify shortened links as you wish. Example:  http://bit.do/DMC-TV

Can be monitored traffic

In addition can be modified, there are also some providers short links with traffic status features on links that have been shortened. There we can monitor how many clicks, source of visits and country of origin of the link we have shortened earlier.

Fields for making money

Some providers offer you a change if we use their short link service. Obviously with the compensation we shortened the link was ridden ad them. Well, from this ad we can get money if there is someone who clicked on our link. Each short link has a value of clicks are varied, also depending on the country of origin clicking our link.

There are advantages there are also shortcomings. Even so with short links, of course there are also shortcomings. Well, here are some shortcomings of shortening using short links in my opinion.


Prospective  visitors are reluctant to click on our links
Shortened links may look concise and neat, but there are also some people who even become reluctant to click on the link. The reason, they fear the link contains only fake links, referrals, links containing viruses and other traps of betmen. There are also assumed if the link contains only advertising.

The name of our blog is hard to memorize

By disguising our original link it means we lose the opportunity of others to memorize the name of our blog. This is where the importance of choosing a blog name that is easily spelled and memorized, so that when we share the link in the original will make others easy to remember.

Prone to traps and fraud

Because disguised will certainly make people will have trouble knowing the original link. Well, this is what is sometimes used by someone to make a trap or fraud. Usually they use short links that pay. Install it by spam in forums, social networks or blogs. Even sometimes the content does not match with the description, because the owner of the link just hoping the coins generated from the clicks of people.

Impressed not sincere sharing

There is an assumption if someone who distributes short pay links is not sincere in sharing. Although in my opinion all that is legitimate done, as long as the short link really contains the expected link prospective visitors.

Upset prospective visitors

By using short pay links, will automatically make access to our blog stuck for a few seconds to display ads from the provider of short links. Well, this is sometimes the prospective visitors upset because they feel complicated and played by the link. Again honesty by giving the right link should we pay attention. So we are not exposed to the curse of the afterlife of the visitors who upset hahaha.

Risk of failure or broken links

Not all short link providers are old. Sometimes there are also when accessed become slow because of down the server. The risk? short link we would be difficult to access to the destination link, or if the provider of short links have been dispersed, also completed our link history. So, unfortunately if the investment link that we have planted so charred?

Well, that was some advantages and shortcomings shorten the links either using ordinary short links or pay. About tastes go back to their respective choices. My advice to use a provider of short links that really bonafide and durable, kinds of goo.gl, bit.ly and so forth. Also be wise when using short pay links. Do not disguise fake links and do spam blindly in neighboring homes. In order for every penny we receive will be a blessing of course.
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