Choose Travel Hajj plus Trusted

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Choose Travel Hajj plus Trusted

What does it mean? Certainly, those who register at this time to be able to leave the pilgrimage should be patient with between three to twelve years to be able to leave for Saudi Arabia. Haj waiting list is varied depending on the registration in each province.

The rise of deception experienced by most pilgrims who want to leave Hajj, should start now you are careful if one day want to perform the pilgrimage. Especially when choosing professional pilgrim travel plus because this type of package usually takes a lot of money, both in the facilities and accommodation that will be used not to mention if you have to leave with a family group.

How to Choose Travel Hajj plus

Given the Hajj is among the fifth pillar of Islam. To perform the pilgrimage is between the command of Allah that needs to be handled for the Muslims who can be material, physical, or scientific by visiting some areas in the sacred land of saudi arabia and carrying out a series of worship as well as some activities with predefined criteria at a predetermined time ie in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah.
Not only that sometimes this one problem will happen if you use kbih not fit when departure, and here not only about the price that is discussed but that is time, just think if you have started holding to say goodbye to people, people around that you will go to the holy ground to perform the pilgrimage or umroh and then there is something news that make your departure void, maybe money can be returned but time and self-esteem can not be returned after you say goodbye to travel hajj plus a good. biaya haji plus

So, the holy intention and the adequacy of the funds does not necessarily make a person or a group of people can perform the pilgrimage this year as well. "Waiting list of Indonesian pilgrims now reaches 1.9 million people," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Bahrul Hayat, in a press conference in Jakarta on Wednesday (07/25/2012) mid last year. Kemenag RI does not stand by to overcome the length of waiting list of hajj in Indonesia. They are already and are working to increase the quota of Hajj from the government of Saudi Arabia. "If there is an additional quota, we prioritize for the old pilgrims, aged 81 years and over," Bahrul Hayat explains.

Relating to the waiting list of Hajj pilgrims, this year the Government of Indonesia has proposed an additional quota to the Government of Saudi Arabia as many as 30,000 more pilgrims. Until now still waiting for an answer. Usually Saudi Arabia gives an additional quota of 10,000 more pilgrims, "said Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali at one of the press conference.

The pilgrimage of pilgrims in Bekasi, for example, reached 15,000 pilgrims with a quota of 2,722 people. it's worth the queue for five years. Meanwhile, in North Sumatera region, as reported by the Head of Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of North Sumatra (Kakanwil Kemenag Sumut), Abdul Rahim to date, the list of hajj waiting to reach 77,000 and paying BPIH is currently planned to depart in 2022. It means extra patience during eight years to truly be a guest of Allah.
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